Breathtaking is the most accurate way to describe how one feels after entering the Catedral de Valencia (also known as the Valencia Cathedral). Located between Plaza de la Reina and the Plaza de la Virgen, the cathedral was truly an unforgettable experience filled with timeless pieces and hidden secrets.
How it Started
The recommendation was given via Lucia, a worker at a breakfast restaurant in Valencia called “Eggscelent”. “What are the must-see places in Valencia?” was the question asked to her. She stated “La Catedral Valencia is a place I try to go to with my family once a year. It is something I hope everyone who has the chance to, can experience at least once in their life.” Since the source of the recommendation was from someone who has lived in Valencia their whole life, it seemed like a place worth viewing.
The cathedral was a brisk walk from the breakfast restaurant and had opened only a few minutes before we arrived. This truly enhanced the experience as you get to tour, walk and ponder the cathedral without running into large crowds or waiting to see the art.
Outside Observation
The outside appears to have a gothic design to it, but the question is, is the building really a gothic building. The structure is bare showing off truly raw materials with columns stretching to the sky. The building was created when the gothic style was at its peak. However, if you look closer at the altar, the moldings and colors represent the 17th century Baroque refurbishment style.
The second you enter through the large double doors, crisp air brushes against your face. The air makes it feel like the cathedral is being open for the first time, and you get the chance to witness this. The entryway is dark at first, showing only the front desk ladies and the prices.
The prices were very cheap, totaling at 8 euros. A student discount is also offered to students from around the world, making it that much more affordable to experience this. Waiting in line to pay, though it was not too long, was rewarding. Around the corner, was the beautiful center of the cathedral. A hallway that was once dim, became a bright area of various colors and gold. Anthony, a tourist located in line, was also stunned by the center. “It is much more stunning in person.” he stated.
The scene will truly make you gasp. It is one thing to see a picture online, but in person, you get to view it in a way that feels special. The slight differences in colors, texture, details, faces and more are things that can only be observed up close.
Pages of words could be written on every piece of art and design in this cathedral, but a few will be highlighted briefly. A virtual tour QR code is provided as an option to guide yourself throughout the building.
The narrator does a superb job at steering you to the pieces he discusses, and each piece features its very own QR code as well. His voice is very upbeat, and he shows off his sense of humor occasionally that makes the viewing that much more enjoyable. He gives the option for listeners to unlock special secrets about different items in the cathedral but does not require it. Like him, a taste of some of these artifacts will be described, but the rest will be left for you to unlock.
Chapel of Saint Peter
The first stunning piece the tour points you towards is the Chapel of Saint Peter. The exposed stone on the back wall show off the original gothic styling of the cathedral. This is the only wall to keep its original appearance. 6 paintings appear before you as you take in the mixture of gold, red and blue across the section. The different paintings are known as frescoes which were painted by Antonio Palomino, a very famous fresco artist.
Being able to witness the Chapel of Saint Peter felt like a special moment because it is almost a miracle that people get to view it to this day. The Chapel was set on fire in the 1936 due to the religious persecution in the Spanish War. Recent restoration allows us to see elements that were otherwise hidden for over 60 years. After hearing about this information on the tour, David M, a tourist from France, was asked how he felt about his viewing experience. He shared, “It is incredible to see and hearing that it was restored definitely makes the experience more special.”
The Altar and the Apse
Also known as the heart of the cathedral, the Altar (also known as the Cathedral Choir) constantly catches your eye no matter where you walk in the Cathedral. You will find yourself constantly look back at it in awe and studying a new part each time. It was truly a pleasure to observe it from such a close distance. It stands 40 meters tall and truly pays homage to the original gothic style.
If you look just above the altar, you will see the Apse. Its dome shape makes it just as impressive as the altar as the painting is perfectly symmetrical on the ceiling. Angels, leaves and flowers can be observed from above as your eyes naturally follow each gold line to view the different angels. Like the Chapel of Saint Peter, features from the baroque era are also preserved in this piece.
As we continue the tour we later find out there are secrets to be discovered involving the angels and the alter. A simple detour to a different number allows you to unlock these secrets, something you wouldn’t be able to do without visiting.
Getting to the cathedral early is something to take advantage of. Empty halls and space allow you to completely immerse in the experience. A total of about 20 people were present at around 10:30 AM when it first opens. Rounding corners and looking back at what you just passed without any interruptions is a luxury.
Chapel of Saint F. Borgia
Another personal favorite was the Chapel of Saint F. Borgia. We are rewarded with viewing not one but 3 exhibits. Each tell the viewer about the life of Saint Francis Borgia. The titles provide a decent summary of each piece such as the “The Conversion of Saint Francis Borgia”. This piece shows the moment the decision was made to convert. The two other canvases were painted a year later. The left shows Borgia saying his goodbyes before joining the Society of Jesus. The right, shows the Saint with a crucifix spewing blood at a dying man. The hope was to save him from the demons that were waiting for him.
Other Amazing Sites
The Catedral de Valencia features a variety of art that adds to the overall experience. Featured are some other favorites though, so much more can be discovered.
An unforgettable time was had at the Catedral de Valencia. Multiple hours could easily be spent observing the altar alone. Though over two hours were spent there, one could spend most of the day there and still want to come back to enjoy it all over again.