The Museu d’Història de Catalunya transports you back in time through Spain. The crisp air and beautiful building gets you excited about the history you are about to enjoy.
The section we decided to explore was 18th Century Spain to the 21st Century. What was great about this museum was its massive size and emptiness. The floors seemed never ending with so much to look at and explore while being quiet and practically empty.
Of course, to enhance the experience we are given access to an audio guide. However, many of the exhibits come with an English translation allowing you to read while continuing to walk. Having the option of reading or listening is always nice.
Women and Work
There were so many topics, time periods and sections this museum explored however, a few stuck with me more than others. The rise of woman in terms of their roles and work was one of my favorite sections.
Women would run workshops and stores during the time of war or in the case of widowhood. Silk dealers also gave them lines of work especially with the shortage of labor and apprentices.
We are also able to see amazing holograms educating visitors on the various jobs women had during this time period. Seeing the museum incorporate modern day technology when it came to educating and showing off features of these time periods, made the experience much more enjoyable.
In many instances, the home and the workshop were a combined area for these families. This made it common for wives and children of craftsmen to have plenty of knowledge on the trade that was conducted there. Compared to the factory which was made mainly for work, the living space combined both
Common Outfits
There is much to observe in the Museu d’Història de Catalunya. Many of the things you see are strictly for you to observe and think about instead of reading about alongside the exhibit. It was nice to walk around and observe the different types of clothing, fabrics and outfits you would see during this time period.
The first outfits observed were ones found among common folk and artisans. These were used to meet in taverns and hostels. From there they would have conversations, drink wine and play games to escape the routine of basic work. The popularity of coffee would increase later as well along with public places to drink it.
It’s interesting to make comparisons to the modern day. Like in the 18th century, the middle class tend to wear a certain style of clothing. Different places such as bars and restaurants are common escapes after a long day while also being used as a socialization place. Coffee is also a major part of many people’s day to the point where they can’t go to workout without it. Though a lot has changed, it’s interesting to see how some of these habits originated.
An amazing outfit that was displayed in the center of one of the rooms was the Luxury Dress. This dress shows off the new designs of the improved industrial production methods. It also showed the wishes of the bourgeoisie and how they strived to dress with luxury and nobility throughout the 19th century. It is important to note the type of fashion on display as each symbolized economic status.
The Industrial Revolution
What you could find the most of in this time period was the effects of the Industrial Revolution. Mateo, a worker at the museum raved about the exhibits associated with the Industrial Revolution stating, “Some of my favorite pieces in the museum come from that time period."
In Catalonia, this revolution began in the 1830s. It began as a difficult time because many manufacturers would soon have to face two problems.
The first involved the resources of the region. The Industrial Revolution in other places was different compared to the one in Catalonia because different regions offer different resources. In Catalonia, they discovered that the resources were very limited which means they had no other choice but to import from Britain.
They also faced weaknesses from the Spanish market where they looked to sell their goods. On top of that, industries struggled to become established due to the governments’ free trade policies. As a result, small and medium-sized businesses run by the same family quickly became the norm.
The bourgeoisie that came out specifically from this revolution, took matters into their own hands and set their own moral code and standards. They constructed things like the Liceu opera house, casinos and other places where they could happily spend their leisure time.
The Catalan Overseas Trade
A wide, grey dresser allowed us to explore some of the materials that you would’ve found during the Catalan Overseas Trade In the 1920s, Catalonia experienced major changes in its foreign trade relations. Instead of just selling liquor, they were able to sell wine and import raw cotton in exchange.
This was later used to cover the needs of the rising textile industry. Other important products Catalonia benefitted from included sugar, cocoa and coffee, which were of great demand from the Catalonian people.
Honorable Mentions
There are so many exhibits that deserve to be talked and researched about. However, experiencing and explaining are two different things. The period of the Industrial Revolution alone could be written about, but the amazing pictures from the experience can suffice for now. What is wonderful about witnessing not only the Industrial Revolution, but one specific to Catalonia, is the start of some of the most famous inventions. The floor included life-size models of things like the hydroelectric power, the telephone, the typewriter, radio, and more.
We also get to witness small rooms of what life was like during this time. One in particular features two types of kitchens. These can be compared to the model rooms you can see at IKEA. The kitchen model rooms allow you to clearly see the difference between the time periods. Cassie, a tourist visiting the museum was fond of the first kitchen more. “It has more of an authentic feel to it.” When asked if she could see herself in the first kitchen today she stated, “Absolutely, it would feel like I was transformed to a new time period.”
It was rewarding to not only explore this interactive museum, but hear others thoughts on the exhibits. This museum is a place I would recommend people taking the time to do on a free day. The place is practically library quiet, and you can explore it at your own pace giving you plenty of time to contemplate the different work and concepts.